Monday, October 11, 2010

Coconut Oil Shine!

My hair has been pretty lack-luster lately. I don't know if it is because I get it highlighted too often, or because I have naturally coarse hair, or what--but my hair has been tangled, dry, brittle, and just blah. I went and got about four inches of the damage cut off, hoping that would help...and it didn't it. The dryness just crept up.

So last night I showered and then covered my wet hair in coconut oil. In the book, The Coconut Oil Miracle, it says that it is a natural conditioner. I woke up this morning and washed it out and my hair feels a lot better. I figure a few weeks of this treatment and I'll be able to audition for an ABBA music video remake! Huzzah!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gotta check out this book! Coconut oil is so good for the skin too. It feels good on a sunburn. I also like to use for massage, although it stains the sheets up too much. But sometimes I don't really care.