Friday, January 29, 2010

Oil Pulling

Ok, update for me! I was only able to do the Master Cleanse for about 6 days because I just have to eat on my job. I know that sounds weird, but to those of you who know what I do, you know that I have to be VERY normal about food on a daily basis. So, since I stopped shy of my total cleanse, I was left with the fuzzy tongue.

For those of you new to cleansing, when you detox, a fuzzy tongue happens as your body is casting off toxins. Go to the mirror and look at your tongue. What color is it? Is it fresh and pink? Does it have a grayish film over it? Is it almost white? Your tongue is actually a mirror of your body. I posted a simplified chart of the tongue in relation to the body above.

What to do with a fuzzy tongue. I just didn't want to leave it like that and I am not able to cleanse. It makes my mouth have an "old" taste to it. Bad.

I went hunting for a solution.

I think I found one.


Basically, you take a mouthful of oil (I'm alternating between Sunflower and Coconut Oil with a drop of peppermint essential oil to give it a better taste) and you swish it in your mouth for about twenty minutes. Spit it out (in the garbage, not down drains so it doesn't clog) and it should be foamy and white and full of toxins. Apparently, that action, pulls toxins out of the body. You can read more about it here. I have been doing it once or twice a day. I've heard it also whitens teeth, strengthens gums and enamel, and makes your tongue pretty in pink! I'm actually photographing my tongue each day so I can REALLY tell if there is a difference. If there is, well, I'll let you know!


Dottie! said...

I did that at one time. It seemed to work pretty well for me. I noticed that, strangely enough, my skin started to clear up. But I didn't do it for 20 minutes... only 5. Twenty minutes is too long to have foamy oil in my mouth... ick!

Stella said...

I heard it's supposed to clear up skin and that it might also aid in metal detox of the body (helped some people with cavities)...yeah, after drinking Apple Cider Vinegar, I can handle ANYTHING.

Tracey Axnick said...

I'm learning so much! :)

Melissa said...

Oil pulling-- Cool! Do you scrape your tongue after? You ought to look into Ayurveda. It's way of life taught in India for over five thousand years. The white junk on your tongue is called Ama. You'll often get it in the morning and a lot of people scrape the tongue to remove the toxins from the system. Pretty cool. You can read more about Ayurveda at

Stella said...

Very cool! I'm going to look into that for sure. I do usually scrape my tongue, but forgot my scraper back in the states and haven't found one here yet (and if I did it would be $50 dollars or something crazy)...I'll let you know! Thanks for the tip! That's why I love this blog!!