Saturday, February 27, 2010

Liquid Kelp!

(please forgive how yellow my finger nail is. I'm not diseased. I was just making my turmeric capsules before taking this photo. Don't you love how my Apple Cider Vinegar is just sitting on the table, all pretty like.)

After my eating disorder, I lost a lot of hair. It fell out in clumps. It was gross. It never grew back quite right. I've been worried a little about thinning hair or fine hair. My hair has gotten a lot more fine the past three years, and I'm wondering why. One solution to healthy hair, skin, and nails is a daily dose of liquid kelp. I take it in water and it is tasteless. In reading up on it, it's also a miracle worker for your thyroid. If you've been a yo-yo dieter all your life, (like me and Oprah!) then you could easily have thyroid issues. Kelp helps. Plus it's full of good minerals and is easily assimilated into your body.

One website said, "Reports reveal that the ingestion of Liquid Kelp in Japan is partially responsible for their dramatically lower rates of breast cancer. Not only that but studies show kelp has a part in their lower levels of obesity, heart condition, respiratory disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, hypertension, and thyroid gland problems."

So, give it a try!


jo said...

wow! thank you so much for this post. i have the same problem with my hair. at one point in my life i took kelp in gel capsules, but i don't think i took them regularly or long enough to see much difference.

i also wanted to say, i haven't commented on each one of your blog posts here, but each one of them have helped me so much. thank you for being so brave and honest about your journey to health. you are so inspiring to me!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the info! I've definitely heard about the benefits of kelp and how alkalizing it is for the body. Good stuff! I gotta pick me up some of that ;-)

Stella said...

Jo! I'm working on an email just for you. I'll be sending it soon. Just know that your words mean so much to me. I love you!

Liz--thank you! It's so cheap too! Like three or four dollars. I put it in my water every morning. Thanks for reading!